The obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent obsessive thoughts and actions. Intrusive thoughts are shaped by specific topics, such as:
- religion
- health
- moral
- endangering humanity, etc.
Thoughts enter the mind without the desire and control of the client. Thoughts are agonizing and followed by rituals that aim to counteract the unlikely negative future consequences. There is a belief that the client is responsible for their thoughts, and one's thoughts lead directly to an impact in reality - "if I think about it, it will happen". Although small, the risk is sufficient for the client to initiate cyclical repetition of obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions over an extended period of time. Anxiety is always present during the OCD episodes.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is virually non-alternative in dealing with this type of disorder and follows a strictly disciplined model of work. Depending on the individual specifics of each case, therapy may last longer than usual (10-12) sessions.