Depressive episodes can be mild, moderate or severe. Symptoms include:

  • decreased mood (dysthymia)
  • reduced activity (hypobulia)
  • deteriorated processing of information and thinking abilities


Practically, clients suffer from diminished or lost ability to enjoy pleasure, as well as from changes in interests and concentration. Usually fatigue occurs, even after minimal effort. Sleep is impaired, appetite - reduced. It is characterized by low self-esteem and increased self-confidence. Libido and body weight decrease.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy arises from the quest of its creator Aaron Beck to find a better solution than psychiatric practices in the treatment of depression. He himself, as a psychiatrist, realizes that a change in thinking leads to a change in mood and has a more lasting effect than medication.

Today, depression remains a psychiatric diagnosis and in most cases requires consultation with a doctor. Biochemical changes in the body during depressive episodes are clear, and there are indisputable practices that, by protocol, recommend both prescription and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The first session evaluates and formulates the case, usually the treatment takes 12 sessions that aims to move from behavioral activation to cognitive reconstruction of the maladaptive thoughts.