The full overlap of my personal and professional aspirations motivates me to offer high quality services that address all those in need of psychological counseling or therapy. In this sense, my first goal is to increase the mental health status of those who might need it. In the current conditions of work ethics without an established Law on Psychotherapy in Bulgaria, an environment is created for unregulated and unfair provision of services in the field, which undermines the good image of the psychotherapists. In this sense, my second long-term goal is to support the adoption of a law on psychotherapy in Bulgaria by publicizing the need for it.The third goal that motivates me is to help standardize reliable practices from the Western World in Bulgaria and to increase customer awareness and criticality. The high respect I hold for my supervisers obliges me to continue their work and to take on the role that attracts growing interest from the community -  the psychotherapeutical. I believe that the same could be achieved not by dictating norms, but by asking the right questions. Raising conscious responsibility in the healthcare sector is an ideal that is binding and should be recalled.